
curated project commemorating the 50th anniversary of 1968 in dc

dedicated to bobby r. hale
girl love

girl love

This is a photo of me, my two sisters and a cousin enjoying popsicles on a warm afternoon in August 1968.  We are sitting with our Aunt Ann, who still lives in the same house in DC.

This is what I want for all girls throughout the world every day, all day.  To be able to sit, relax and enjoy themselves. To be around people every day, all day who love them, take care of them and support them.

This is what I want to wake up and see in a newspaper, read online and see on the streets. Girls doing their things, completely and unequivocally unencumbered.

This is what I recommit myself to doing.  Organizing to make sure that ALL girls wake up in the morning with smiles on their faces, clean water to drink, good food to eat, a place to stretch and deep breathe.  And to walk out into the warmth of the sun, ready and eager.

Image:  Collection of the author.  From left to right: Cynthia, Tracye, Aunt Ann, Marya and Ronnie.  


exhibit: st. e's @national building museum

exhibit: st. e's @national building museum

thinking about buses

thinking about buses