18 december 1968 & pitts motel, cornelius pitts proprietor
#OTD 18 December 1968 Cornelius Pitts was owner and operator of the Pitts Motel (1451 Belmont St, NW), also known as the Pitts Motor Hotel. During the Poor People’s Campaign and Resurrection City, Pitts welcomed dozens of organizers, including Ralph Abernathy and Coretta Scott King, who stayed and worked at the hotel. He reorganized several of the rooms so that they could be used as office spaces.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. often stayed at the Pitts Motel when he visited the city. At least once, he walked to Malcolm X Park from the hotel.
Cornelius Pitts, owner of the Pitts Motel. Here he is in the Red Carpet Lounge, which was a popular spot. Date unknown. Photographer unknown. Fair use.
Your comments are welcome below. Did you, family members or neighbors stay at the Pitts Motel? Did you hang out there? Did you know Cornelius Pitts? Did you live on or near Belmont Street? Did you see Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King or others at the Pitts? You may comment privately here.`
Photo source: Courtesy DC Public Library Special Collections. Evening Star Photo Collection.