
curated project commemorating the 50th anniversary of 1968 in dc

dedicated to bobby r. hale
1 may 1968 & black dollar magazine debuts

1 may 1968 & black dollar magazine debuts

#OTD 1 May 1968 Black Dollar magazine (900 Florida Ave, NW) debuted today. Ed Murphy served as publisher and the magazine was operated through Black, Inc., a non-profit organization. Ed Murphy, a graduate of Armstrong High School, was also the owner of the Ed Murphy's Supper Club (2227 Georgia Ave, NW), which he founded in 1965. 

“‘Black Dollar’ is a new magazine published by black business men and women in D.C. for the black community. Its purposes are threefold:
1.) to increase the growth and stability of black businesses.
2.) to increase the purchasing power of black families.
3.) to educate the black community to a greater understanding of economics so that they can control their own lives through united action.
In short, if black power is to have any relevance for the black man and woman in the street, it must be translated into dollars and sense."

Also in the four-page magazine was a 10-point program and the following business had advertisements:
Airport Transport
Dinky's Carry-Out (2801-A 14th St, NW)
Palladium Tonsorial Shop (4000 Minnesota Ave, NE)
New Dunbar Hotel (2015 14th St, NW)
Mitoni's Barber Shop (1923 (14th St, NW)
Janus [movie theater] (Conn Ave at M NW)
Watergate Health Club (2650 Virginia Ave, NW)
D.C. Transit Sight Seeing Tours
Gracie's Place [hotel] (1014 Rhode Island Ave, NE)
Cecilia's Cocktail Restaurant (618 T St, NW)
Ed Murphy's Supper Club (2227 Georgia Ave, NW)
The Monocle restaurant (107 D St, NE)
Uptown [movie theater] (3426 Conn Ave, NW)

Please comment below. Do you remember this magazine? Do you have copies? Do you remember Ed Murphy? Do you remember his supper club? Do you remember these other businesses? You may comment privately here.

Photo source: Courtesy of Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University. Pride Inc. Papers. 


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