wood thrush selected as dc bird 50 years ago today
Did you know that the wood thrush is DC's official bird? it's true! It was selected 50 years ago today.
This is what the Office of Secretary's website states about the wood thrush:
"Approved on January 31, 1967, the Wood Thrush, a medium-sized thrush with the posture of an American Robin, but a slightly smaller body, became the District of Columbia official Bird. Sexes are alike, and adults are a cinnamon-brown color on their crown and nape that fades to olive-brown on the back, wings and tail. The under-parts are white with large dark spots on the breast, sides and flanks. Overall, the head appears a much richer color than the rest of the top of the body, with the tail being the dullest in color. They have a dull white eye-ring and pinkish legs. Juveniles are similar to adults, but with tawny streaks and spots on their back, neck and wing coverts. The Wood Thrush resides in forest in the eastern United States where it is more often heard than seen."
Curious about what the wood thrush sounds like? go here.
I would love to hear or read the discussion among DC officials about what bird to select. Perhaps that material is available at the DC Archives.
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Photo source: Wikipedia