visa: from the dc1968 archive
I'm excited about my latest find: three issues of visa: the international visitor's weekly guide to washington. The image above is the cover of the inaugural issue dated 12 June 1968. It was free and trilingual: English, French and Spanish.
"The Washington Visa is aimed specifically at the international visitors and diplomatic personnel in Washington, DC. Visa is distributed every other Friday to major hotels and tourist agencies, to the Washington diplomatic corps, and to tourist information offices both in Washington and abroad. Contents copyrighted 1968 by The Washington Visa/Division Yale Banner Publications." (p. 3)
Martin Oppenheimer--editor
Bruce Bluedorn--publisher
Art Director--Garry Trudeau (creator of Doonesbury!)
Translation--Lynn Dorsey, Marie-Christine Chadinet and Isabel Loque
Other staff: Penny Moorhead, Gerald Clow, James Phillips, Nancy Pittman, Edith Dunn, Jeanne Braune, Charlotte Kirk, Joan Eames, Charles Pillsbury, Gus Oliver, Susan MacGregor, Ann Ashbridge
I will scan the full issue soon. I will also research Yale Banner Publications.
Provenance: I bought these on ebay on 11 March 2017 for $45.