23 october 1968 & be think act do be black
#OTD 23 October 1968 Professor Acklyn Lynch, colleagues and students at Howard University were preparing for the upcoming conference, “Toward a Black University,” scheduled for 15 November 1968 on Howard’s campus. They were looking forward to conversations with others throughout the U.S. on what the black in black university should mean.
Your comments are welcome below. Did you, a family member or neighbor help to organize the conference? Did you attend the conference? Do you have photographs? Did you create the above poster? Do you recognize anyone in the above photograph? Was this a popular axion in 1968? What did being, thinking, acting and doing black mean to you in 1968? What does it mean to you in 2018? You may comment privately here.
Photo source: Tom Myles and John Pinderhughes, Centennial Plus 1: A Photographic and Narrative Account of the Black Student Revolution: Howard University 1965-1968. I used the copy at Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University. This photograph was taken, probably by Tom Myles, during the student takeover of the administration building at Howard University in March 1968.
Josh Myers, “Howard University and the Dream Sequence,” AAIHS 23 March 2017.