10 june 1968 & federal city college becomes land grant institution
#OTD 10 June 1968 Federal City College (425 2nd St, NW) became a land grant institution after the Senate passed a bill and sent it to President Johnson to sign. With this new land grant status, Federal City College received a $7.2 million endowment to be invested and used for "technical programs." This status made FCC one of the first urban land grant institutions. The bill, authored by Senator Wayne Morse, white, was seen as a way "to help alleviate slums and poverty in our cities."
Federal City College, which was incorporated into the University of the District of Columbia by 1978, opened to 2,400+ students in Fall 1968. To read a story about the first class, click here.
Please comment below. Do you, family member or neighbor recognize the person in this photo? Did you work at Federal City College as a professor, administrator or staff? Were you part of the first class? Where did you take classes? You may comment privately here.
Photo source: Courtesy UDC Archives. n.d. Photographer unknown. I thank Faith A. Rusk, Information Literacy Instruction Librarian, and Christopher Anglim, Archivist, for their assistance with this and other images.
"Congress' Land Grant Bill Passed," Washington Post 11 June 1968.