11 november 1968 & new washington daily sun newspaper
#OTD 11 November 1968 The Washington Daily Sun, a new daily newspaper founded and published by Eugene M. Garner, is in circulation. The first issue, 36 pages, was published on 31 October 1968. One of four daily newspapers in the city, the newspaper was available Mondays thru Fridays at a cost of seven cents. Garner rented space at 629 F St, NW (on the third floor). He had a staff of 48.
Your comments are welcome below. Do you, family members or neighbors remember the Washington Daily Sun? Do you have copies of the newspaper? Do you have photographs of the paper? Do you remember Eugene M. Garner? Did you work for the paper? What were the offices like? Do you have photographs of the office? Did you take this photograph that appeared in the Hilltop? You may comment privately here.
Photo source: Courtesy Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University. 15 November 1968, p. 6. Photographer unknown.
Preferred citation: Staff, Hilltop, "The Hilltop 11-15-1968" (1968). The Hilltop: 1960-70. 184. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_196070/184
I thank Dr. Lopez Matthews for leading the digitization effort of this incredible resource. I thank Paul Cotton for funding the digitization.
The photo caption: HILLTOP COMPETITION? — A new Black paper comes to Washington, D.C. as the Washington Daily Sun becomes the area’s first daily Black paper.
“Negro Newspapers is Started Here as Fourth Daily,” Evening Star 31 October 1968.
”Negro Paper Starts in Capital,” New York Times, 1 November 1968.